Interactive RISE workshops train health care professionals about the mechanisms that trigger human stress reactions for the purpose of developing alternative responses. Participants will engage in practices designed to:
- Elicit stress reactions in a safe environment
- Increase self-awareness about how we react under pressure
- Train healthier responses to unwanted habitual reactions
Specifically, participants will be able to:
- Identify the human body’s general physiological reactions under stressful conditions
- Recognize their own unique reactions to perceived stress
- Pinpoint typical conditions that trigger their unique stress reactions
- Develop alternative responses
- Practice somatic awareness to provide a wider range of options under stressful conditions
The result is the ability to practice behavioral change that promotes patience, active listening and increases self-control and awareness of the environment; that develops compassion and maintains open communication; and that enhances self-care.
The RISE curriculum covers topics such as:
- Thought Patterns: How does intention change interaction?
- Boundaries: How do you establish your bottom line?
- Requests: How do you make a request comfortably?
- Requests: How do you say no?
- Change: How do you adapt to change?
- Pressure: How do you handle the unexpected?
- Relationships: How do you establish connection & cultivate compassion?